In Edgy and Feisty more and more programs start to use gnome-keyring for the same purpose. To name a few: Evolution, Gajim.
This is quite annoying because one has to unlock the keyring database every time one logs in. On my desktop with freshly installed Feisty I use only Gajim from those three. Which makes storing my google talk password virtually useless.
Fortunately there is a solution: pam-keyring.
Here you'll find how to install it for Feisty.
Shortly how its done:
sudo apt-get install libpam-keyringUnfortunately it didn't work on my Xubutu at first.
sudo echo "@include common-pamkeyring" >> /etc/pam.d/gdm
Apparently one has to disable "Launch Gnome services on startup" to make it work.
What seems to happen is that xfce4-session lunches new instance of gnome-keyring-deamon without checking if there is already a running one. This new instance of course does not have the keyring database unlocked by pam-keyring, hence we get the password popup.
I've filled a bug report we'll see what happens...